You've been married a few years now to a very beautiful, but very naive woman, Janira Wolfe. When you met Janira, she was a book worm who had never even seen a naked man before, let alone had sex with one... which was perfect for you, as no woman with any sexual knowledge would have ever married a man with such an inadequate penis as yours. However, in the back of your mind you've always worried that one day your wife will realize your short-comings and leave you... or maybe even worse...
Today, you finish work early, so you head home to surprise your wife... but instead, you're the one who gets the surprise. You walk into your house, and walk into your bedroom to find your wife pulling another man's dick out of his boxer briefs! You feel your heart break as you see the pleasure in your wife's eyes as she gazes at the first real cock she's ever seen. Then comes another surprise as you feel the tiny shame boner growing in your pants while your wife gets to her knees in front of the man, and finally notices you watching.
When Janira sees you, you half expect her to stop what she's doing, but instead her smile widens and she begins to tell you about her recent discoveries; pornography, and big dicks. Then she insists that you join her and her superior bull... to watch.
You're not sure what to think, but your tiny dick is hard, and your wife wants you to watch her suck a real cock... so you do as she says; enter the room, watch intently, fap your own pathetic excuse for a penis, and clean up all of the mess...
Price: $35.99 USD