Happy holidays, slave boys! I have 12 gifts for you. Instructions, actually, but you know that orders from Goddess are a precious blessing.
On day 1, you'll complete the first set of instructions and stop the video there. On day 2, you'll complete the first and second sets, and so on, until you do all 12 tasks on the twelfth day.
It's going to challenge you and it's going to be time consuming. You get to spend the festive season being a good boy and doing exactly what you're told! You're welcome!
Side note: The 12 Days of Christmas technically begins on Christmas Day and runs through to January 6th however, you may start any time.
You will need: ice cubes, a chastity cage, a vibrator and a dildo. You will be ordered to collect multiple loads for me. I'd suggest using a sh0t glass or ice cube tray.