You love my body.
Big tits, big ass, pretty face and sexy as fuck.
But doesn't jerking off to me day in and day out get boring? I think it's time for you to branch out, explore, see what gets your dick hard.... things you never thought you'd enjoy.
I have my ways of convincing you. I lure you in with my sexy body and appeal to your hetero desires. Then I trick you, I implement images into your mind and rewire your sexuality.
Promising you that it's normal, it's ok... that you can look away and focus on my body, ignoring the pretty girl with the big dick, pretending that you have no urges at all to suck her cock.
Watching shemale porn doesn't make you a any more than watching my porn makes you straight. You are whatever I want you to be. I want you to be mutable, I want you to be into whatever fetish I tell you that you are into. And it won't be difficult.
Your mind is confused, you're not sure what to think. The sight of her jerking her cock and squirting her load makes you uncomfortable but my big tits on the left of the screen comfort you.
More.... more, you can't look away. The trance music excites you, it makes you want to stroke.
But you're not stroking to me anymore are you? no. You're thinking about her cock buried deep inside you. You want it so bad you can feel it? OMG are you a faggot now? Do you love ladyboys?
Look what I've done to you, fake alpha. I've turned you into a and you love it.
It's your new obsession.