Look at this cock, FAGGOT. It's so big. So hard. So thick and meaty that you can almost taste it in your horny homo mouth. You stare at that cock, and you can't resist. Your hand drifts down to your own cock, and you pump it HARD.
Stroke. Tug. GOON. Make it drip. Make it leak for the endless cocks that make you feel so GAY -- so desperate for dick that you forget pussy even exists.
Jerk. Stroke. And don't take your eyes off COCK as you pump it up and down, up and down, up and down...gooning yourself gayer and gayer.
Stroking until you're nothing but a drooling little faggot.
You're so mindfucked by the endless cocks, the endless edges -- up and down, over and around, pumping hard and fast and then slow -- that you're exactly where I want you. You're gooned gay. Deep in the faggot zone. Ready to be used, in any and every way, by COCK.
You are a faggot, aren't you?
Goon. And say YES! Stroke and say, I am a faggot! I am a FAGGOT!