She just doesn’t do it for you anymore. And it’s not because it’s *her*, but because she’s… Well. You know.
It’s a wonder you can even get hard for her at all. But she probably don’t realize what kinds of thoughts are swirling around in your mind with every lick, thrust, and moan you’re giving her. Tasting her pussy, you wish you were tasting cock. Sliding into her, you’re craving another man sliding into you. As the moans slip out of your throat, you know they’re not for her: they’re for the gay fantasies putting on a show for you in your mind.
Everything looks better with your eyes closed, but the feelings don’t match. Even with gay porn on repeat in your brain, you can’t get your cock to cum while it’s inside her. So fake it.
I want you to become psychologically pussy-free. Make all the excuses you can to avoid it, but if you have to fuck her, fake your orgasm. Save it for your real cravings. Sneak away when she’s satisfied and finish yourself the way you need to: with hours and hours of gay porn.