Madame kitty has already enslaved Robin when you Batman comes to rescue him...
Madame kitty warns you, no man is her match, all men are inferior, made into slaves and be toyed with.....
Now bow the fuck down to your new Queen.... As she releases a cloud of colorful smoke into your face causing you to bow down...
On your knees I said!.... soon you fall to your knees... Good bitch, now down to the ground and kiss my boots... She has conquered you and gloats that she must prepare for her meeting with the riddler.
Madame kitty meets with Riddler and informs him that she has enslaved Batman and now wants to dish out total extreme humiliation and degradation...
She says he wants Batman to suck his dick the Riddler declines, I am no no way!
But I would love to fuck you.....Madame kitty is tired of being nice, just another stupid horny male who is inferior...
She blows powder from her compact into Riddler's face a few times until the Riddler is under her spell. He wants her so bad, so horny that he agrees to everything she says....
With you inside a cage both Kitty shows the Riddler her new Bat bitch slave...
She and the Riddler have you kiss and lick the dirt off their boots... Make you call you them Queen and King...They both both begin to kiss, you are tormented, for a kiss too...
They both kiss and then spit into your open begging mouth...
Next you are made to submit to the Riddler... With fur around his dick you are made to beg to suck Masters dick... She spits on his dick a few times and haves you suck it off, almost like kissing her...You truly have been reduced to being their bitch.
It ends here for Batman.....made into a receptacle for their waste....
They kiss, spit and degrade you...The mighty Batman...enslaved by Madame kitty doomed to a slow demise as waste eating slave to Her and the Riddler.
Final act - Ending the Riddler
Riddler is so horney, he still longs for Kitty... She kisses him while injecting him in the back of his neck...
She tells him he has served his purpose.... she now has no more use for him.. She ask if he would want one last kiss.... Please he begs.... She slips a bag over his head, gives him the best kiss of his life. Then drives cold metal into his skull...He perishes and is cast off.
Kitty gloats...Look at me... I truly am to dye for...