Remember all those times when you used to joke around and say "no homo" when you hugged your guy friends? Well, you've been pussy free for so long now I think you need to rethink that. No women want you, or will ever want you, so I think your only chance of getting fucked, ever, is likely by a desperate man that would fuck anything that moves, but that's better than being alone for the rest of your life, right?
Don't be sad. Don't fight it. You need to get used to this. Accept your new sexuality, that rather than a woman sucking your cock, you're going to be throating big meaty masculine dicks all day. If you don't want to be a sexual reject forever, accept that you have to start living your life as a gay man. You need to give up on all hope for pussy, all hope for women, and just open up your heart (and hole) to men instead.
I want the best for you, and I think that going gay, and saying "YES HOMO" is the best option for you. You have nothing to offer women, but at least now you can offer two eager holes to the gay community. Have pride in your new identity. Yaaaas Queen!